The Signs look good for Our Merimbula

(Pictured from left to right. Graham Stubbs, Executive officer Bendigo Bank, Declan Kane from DK Handy Help.
Tammy Carroll Vice President, Nigel Ayling, Past President, Julian Larson, President Elect)
The writing is on the wall, and the signs look good for Our Merimbula. The Chamber has recently completed a number of signage projects that it has been working on, thanks to the support of local organisations.
The first project was funding by Bendigo Bank Pambula and included the purchase of 100 weather proof perspex signs that have been placed around town in prominent places promoting what’s on in the area. The signs can be easily updated to promote events like the NYE Fireworks, Jazz Festival, Wintersun, Wanderer or other community events. When there is no major events on, it will feature a Welcome to Merimbula sign with a QR code that links to the Our Merimbula Business Directory.
Past President Nigel Ayling who helped implement the project says, “We wanted to improve the signage around town and make it easy for people to know what’s on. These signs are more attractive than random posters in shop windows and they provide a clear and consistent message. So far we have installed about 70 of them and we would like to do more, but a number of landlords in town wouldn’t support the project which is disappointing. This is a community project and all the businesses benefit from this which is good for the landlords too.”
Graham Stubbs from Bendigo Bank says, “This is a great example of a community initiative and exactly the sort of project that we like to get involved with. It’s all about promoting community events and that benefits everyone, not just the businesses. We are very pleased to be associated with this program.“
Vice President of the Chamber Tammy Carroll says, “We are very excited about the new signs and what it will mean for Merimbula. It will make it easy for us to manage promotions as the signs are already in place. One person will be able to go around and update them all without having to go in to every shops and talk the owner. Organisations that would like to use the signs need to apply for approval from the chamber by sending an email to , then we can provide them with more information about how to go about it.”

The other signage project to be completed was the installation of a new sign at Our Merimbula’s retail outlet, The Essence. The Essence which opened in December 2020 is now coming up to it’s 3rd anniversary but it’s never had proper signage on the awnings. That has now changed, thanks again to the support of local organisations. Club Sapphire provided funding through the Club Grants program to pay for the signage, Excell Printing paid for the printing and Wilson Signs helped with the installation.
New President of the Chamber Julian Larson said, “The total cost of the signs were over $4000 and whilst the Chamber wanted to install them, we couldn’t commit the funds to it, so we are very appreciative of the support.”
The Essence of Our Merimbula supports 7 local businesses and offers an eclectic range of products from Homewares to Pet Accessories, Local Artworks, Photography, Soveniers, Eco Products, Jewellery clothing and much more. For more information visit