Sub Committees
The Chamber is always looking for more people to join one of our sub-committees so we can achieve our Objectives and Strategies.
Our Current Sub Committees are
Objectives: To work with local retailers on a variety of matters relating to retail including events, workshops, online shopping, shop local and more.
- Lee Salisbury – Chair
- Deanna Reynolds
- Genevieve Mussell
- Karyn Denaro
- Virginia Neave
- Paula Benneian
- Donna Guy
- Sue Willkie
- Nigel Ayling
Objectives: To work with organisers of EXISTING events to help ensure that the Chamber and it’s members are aware of events, how they can contribute, support and benefit from them. At this stage the Chamber has no plans to create or manage their own events, however they may look into possible ways to fund an Event Co-ordinators position in the future,
- Cherie Clements – Chair
- Nigel Ayling
- Dennie Quintal
- Kerryn Wood
Objectives: Supporting the needs of local businesses and members by providing value to members and building a strong Chamber membership. Engage with local businesses and the communities by organising networking events and creating opportunities to promote local business. Ensure good quality communication between the Chamber, local businesses, local community, visitors and other stakeholders.
- Kristy Martin – Chair
- Nigel Ayling
- Julie Novotny
- Deanna Reynolds
- Paula Benneian
- David Beaumont (TBC)
Support Services
Objectives: Provide a range of support to business including Finance, Legal, Insurance, Grants and Mental Health.
- Kirsty Martin – Insurance advisor
- Jessica Porter – Bank Manager
- Michael Britten – Solicitor
- Denise Burdett – Grant writer
- Simone Elyes – Grant writer
- Julie Novotny – Admin assistant
- Nigel Ayling – President
Economic Development
Objectives: To build our economy in a long term sustainable way that supports both new and existing industries.
Sub Committee:
- Nigel Ayling – President
Anyone else wishing to join a sub-committee should contact the Chair of the Sub-Committee directly.