Streetscape Upgrades

We are pleased to advise that some of the work our Streetscape committee requested in our submission to Bega Valley Shire Council last year are beginning to taking place.
The following works have commenced and should be completed by mid-November
- Palmer St Toilet upgrade including upgrade of some internal fixtures and fittings, plus render and painting of the outside.
- Murals to be painted on the external walls of the toilet building
- New plants in some existing gardens including Highlands Corner, Market St outside Westpac and Beach St outside the Waterfront Cafe
- Around 6 new planter boxes being made by North Eden Timber to be placed around the Merimbula Drive, Market St intersection near NAB.
- Upgrade of the footpath in Alice St, outside Insurance Advisernet Merimbula, Sapphire Conveyancing and Coastal Grooming Pet Spa plus the addition of some planter boxes
We are very pleased to see this work commence and it will give the town a much needed face lift at a time we can really use it.
We are still hopeful that a number of the other recommendations are adopted as funding becomes available and we will continue to work towards further improvements.
Palmer St Toilet Block

Work is well under way on the Palmer St public toilet upgrade. Council have completed the internal repairs and painting and have rendered the external walls and prepared them ready for the murals to be added.
The Chamber received a number of submissions to do the artwork and we are pleased to announce the winning submission was awarded to The Disability Trust.
The submission will be an inclusive community project, under the artistic direction of Sue Ellen Yates. She has collaborated with young local artist Yazmin Threadgate to come up with a design that depicts our local environment. A sample of the design is featured below and we are just waiting for Council to sign off on it so that they can begin painting.
The actual painting will be carried out by a number of artists including Sue Ellen, Yazmin, Shannon Thomson as well as including people with all abilities through the Disability Trust.
We are very pleased to see this work carried out and can’t wait to see the final outcome. Keep an eye out for updates.

Sewer Pump Upgrade
Update 13 October 2020
Further works and improvement to be carried out on the Sewerage Pump facility next to the Palmer St toilets. This will take around 3-4 weeks and will not interfere with the painting of the murals which is expected to start tomorrow.
For more information about the Sewer Pump upgrades, download the attachment.