Mumbulla Foundation
The Mumbulla Foundation established in 2000, is the community foundation of the Bega Valley Shire. It raises money to provide grants to charitable and not for profit organisations in the Shire. It also funds university scholarships and school book prizes. Our ‘Background’ and ‘Storybook’ help describe our activities and showcase recent examples of groups supported by the Foundation.
The Foundation, in partnership with the Bega Valley Shire Council (BVSC), conducts an annual grants round and over the past 15 years has raised and distributed almost $1 million for the benefit of local residents.
More than 200 organisations have received funding from the Foundation. They include those providing valuable services for the aged and disabled, youth and families and children and other people in need as well as those involved in arts and cultural activity and organisations concerned with education and community learning and the region’s heritage and environment. The successful 2015 grant recipients and their projects are listed here.
The Foundation receives annual funding of up to $25,000 from BVSC, as well as $5000 for administrative expenses. It raises other funding through donations, Membership fees, and fund raising through an annual Gala Dinner and Guest Speaker Dinner. The Foundation is extremely grateful for the financial assistance received from its major corporate supporter Bega Cheese and other sponsors.
The Foundation and associated Trust is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors who meet monthly and govern the Foundation in accordance with the Constitution. The Board is composed of a cross section of voluntary leaders living in the Shire and welcomes assistance from other local representatives.
You can make a difference to communities in the Bega Valley by supporting the Mumbulla Foundation. For more information visit The Mumbulla Foundation website.
The Mumbulla Foundation sponsored the Merimbula Town Summit and we are very appreciative of their support