‘COLLABORATION’ enables individuals to work together to a common purpose to achieve a defined and common business purpose.

COLLABORATE members are passionate entrepreneurs, looking to share and leverage their expertise and knowledge, while looking for innovative ways to lead sustainable businesses, collectively growing our business community. They enjoy COLLABORATing & CONNECTing with other great entrepreneurial business owners.

Information Sharing:

  • List your event throughout our network and get the word out faster and wider to the LOCAL community.
  • Attend our FREE networking events and let people get to know you face to face.
  • Have individuals present at one of our Networking events and share their skills & knowledge.

Corporate Offer:

  • List up to 8 separate members or businesses under the Corporation’s Name
  • Each Member will receive a separate ‘Detailed Listing’ in the LOCAL Business Directory
  • Individual image for each member included in the listing
  • Additional Member Listings $57.00 each

Annual Membership

$575 annual payment

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